A Powerpoint based on the weather in French. Includes activities with dictionary work.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Weather
Suggestions for use: Can be used to introduce/ revise weather in French.
Quelques feuilles de travail et activités en ligne pour accompagner la présentation au dessus sur la météo.
A useful "quiz, quiz, trade" activity based on the weather in French. Students may complete this individually or in pairs. Students are each given a card with vocabulary on it to describe weather in French, and must ask their classmates the vocabulary. Students keep a note on the number of correct/ incorrect answers.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Weather
Suggestions for use: A useful pair and group work exercise to consolidate learning of "la météo" vocabulary. Encourages self assessment.
This is an activity. Students will watch a short Youtube video and answer questions based on the weather. They will then write a weather forecast themselves.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Weather
Suggestions for use: This can be used whilst studying the weather in French.
A worksheet used to consolidate/ accompany study on the weather. Students must use clipart descriptions in order to describe the weather in the area.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Weather
Suggestions for use: A nice worksheet useful to accompany/ consolidate learning on the weather in French. Can be used in pair work or also assigned as a homework task.
A very useful video resource based on "la météo." Includes transcript and quiz.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Weather
Suggestions for use: This can be used in class as an activity based on "la météo."
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Reliez la météo au quotidien en étudiant et en utilisant les bulletins météos et les sites internet.
Quelques bulletins météos sur la neige en France.