A nice, short Powerpoint based on stolen jewellery. Students must work out the family member who has stolen the jewellery based on information given. A nice easy task suitable for beginners.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Clothes
Suggestions for use: A nice useful Powerpoint suitable for beginners. This can be used in class- students can work in pairs to work out who is guilty.
Quelques feuilles de travail et activités en ligne pour accompagner la présentation ci-dessus sur le théme de l'habillement.
Flashcards based on "les vêtements." A very useful and fun revision aid for students.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Clothes
Suggestions for use: Flashcards are a very useful learning and revision aid for students. These can be printed and laminated for student use.
Quiz Quiz Trade activity based on the vocabulary for "les vêtements." A very useful and engaging class activity to assess vocabulary knowledge.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Clothes
Suggestions for use: This is a very useful activity to assess vocabulary learning. Students should take a card each and quiz each other on the vocabulary. If their partner gets the correct answer, they can swap cards. Each student must keep a record of the assessment on the log sheet. Useful form of peer and self assessment.
A self assessment exercise based on "les vêtements." Students are asked to answer questions and evaluate their performance.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Clothes
Suggestions for use: A self assessment exercise based on "les vêtements." Students can individually complete it and correct it through peer correction "traffic lights." They can assess their performance afterwords using a self assessment grid.
Exit cards based on the topic of "les vêtements." Varied questions intended to quickly assess students on their comprehension of the topic at the end of a lesson.
View full descriptionStrand: Topics
Strand unit: Clothes
Suggestions for use: These exit cards are very useful and quick forms of assessment at the end of a lesson. Each student can be given one and must quickly answer the question on the card. This provides the teacher with some feedback on their comprehension of the lesson.
Les outils interactifs sont utiles pour soutenir votre classe dans l'apprentissage du nouveau vocabulaire.
Écoutez la prononciation des vêtements en français. Repassez la vidéo et pratiquez la prononciation des mots avec la vidéo. Repassez la vidéo. Appuyez sur Pause aprés chaque nouveau mot. Pendant la pause, pratiquez la prononciation du mot tout seul ou en classe.
Imaginez que vous êtes styliste personnel qui conseille des vêtements aux clients. Votre client est un jeune qui choisit un tenu pour l'anniversaire de sa grand-mère. Comme styliste personnel, vous devez choisir des vêtements d'un nombre de boutiques en ligne. Vous devez prèsenter les vêtements au client avec une analyse des coûts pour chaque tenu.
***Il faut encourager les élèves à utiliser la version française des boutiques en ligne et présenter leurs résultats en français. Le prof doit fournir les élèves avec sites Web utiles.